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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Computers and Electronics. Tampilkan semua postingan

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Connect Xbox 360 to Laptop

connect xbox 360 to laptop, how to connect xbox 360 to laptop, xbox 360 laptop, connecting xbox 360 to laptop, can you connect xbox 360 to a laptop
XBox 360... Console blueprints for the future. Get Sky, play DVDs, watch online videos, play games, play ONLINE games, interact with each other's avatars in arcades and use messenger. So many things you can do with the xbox 360 laptop... So naturally, someone will need to know how to make an XBox 360 portable so that you can play it on the go :)

Well, as possible as it is, the sacrifices you'd have to make to achieve such a goal make this a VERY short-term commitment. Can you connect xbox 360 to a laptop? Read the steps to understand the system behind connecting xbox 360 to laptop. Here's Tips On How to Connect Xbox 360 to Laptop :
  1. Find info about Computers and Laptop. As far as I'm aware... There is no such thing as an XBox 360 that is 100% portable. There has been some custom mods to XBoxes to allow them to fit a 5" screen on to them. And as entertaining as this prospect is, the main issues at hand are power, and heat.
  2. HEAT!!! Now, as I'm sure we're ALL aware, a power pack generates sometimes rediculously high amounts of heat. You could fry an english breakfast off one sometimes. So this, alone, indicates that consoles require a huge amount of electricity to function... Ever wonder why your electric bill is so large? And let alone that, you also have to consider the fact of the E73 error and red-rings of death. These are common symptoms experienced by XBox 360 related to over-heating of the console. 2 measely fans on the back and 2 heat sinks REALLY doesn't cut it for a console that can be used for so long. Granted, the consoles can last a good few months of solid playing, but in the end, dust settles and the console itself starts to get weaker in performance and speed. So if you were to cramp an XBox 360 into a laptop, you'd need some serious fan-power. Hell, even some liquid cooling.
  3. POWER!!!!! This is where the electricity factor comes into play. An XBox power pack is reducing a full blast of electricity to a 240v surge. You would have to have a rechargable powerpack to attach to the laptop, but even THEN, you'd still have a MASSIVE workload and a large chance of running out quickly. Plus, once again, the heat-factor. A rechargable battery of that size could generate a MASSIVE amount of heat that could potentially melt the console if not contained... And I doubt you'd want that sitting near your nads sending out Microwaves and causing sterility.
  4. It's a fantastic idea to have a console in laptop-form. Charge it at the full price for a laptop and it works. But the maintenance costs would be too high, the company would need to do tonnes of R&D to contain the heat and reduce the power, it would need an interface with the battery to allow you to save your game before you quit and all the lovely accessories that XBox 360 and Microsoft have to offer would need to be installed. It's a hefty bill to pay but if you're willing to give it a try, I say, why not?
  5. Once again, heat and electricity are the main issue. You don't want to over-heat the console and you sure as hell don't want to run out of electricity half-way through your save-point. So if you're going to turn it into a laptop, at least keep the power-point available and plug it in to the mains.
  6. Fans are going to be REALLY difficult to work with. You'd be best with a "sprinkler" system all the way around, where you have fans on every side-orifice available to reduce the heat production.
  7. Now, xbox 360 laptop ready to use!
  8. Read also about Pet Raccoon.
READ MORE - Connect Xbox 360 to Laptop

Text Box in Visual Basic Program

visual basic programs, text box in visual basic, Visual Basic Form, visual basic codes, visual basic project, visual basic input box
This article simply details how to add a text box to your Visual Basic Form. Here's Tips On How to Add a Text Box in Visual Basic Program :
  1. Open visual basic programs
  2. Open a new or existing visual basic project file.
  3. Go to tools, scroll until you find "Textbox".
  4. Click and drag the text box into the form. (The "form" is the empty application that is presented on the screen. Your application design is laid out on the form.)
  5. After that, you can move, resize, and change its properties to suit your needs. You can set a default text, change the font of the visual basic input box. You can also make it "grayed out" (not editable), or even make it invisible. The 'Properties' dialog usually appears on the side pane of the screen.
  6. It is a good practice to add a "Label" onto its side, to make it user-friendly. Go to tools, scrool until you find "Label" and drag it near the text box, and label the text box (e.g. "Name: "). The text box in visual basic of the label can be changed under Properties (scroll down until you find the "Text" field).
  7. After adding the text box and adjusting its properties, you can begin visual basic codes for the text box. There are many articles about programming if you can't, one of them is Create Your First Visual Basic Project (2008 Express). (This assumes you are using Visual Basic 2008 Express).
  8. Read also about Connect Xbox 360 to Laptop.
READ MORE - Text Box in Visual Basic Program

Tech Savvy

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An easy-to-follow guide on how to become comfortable tech savvy and cool technical savvywith technology. Here's Tips On How to Become Tech Savvy :
  1. Use Google. Google is your friend. If you have a question about something or need to research a certain topic, search using Google. Become an expert tech savvy internet.
  2. Find info about Computers. Find info about computers. Info can be in E-books, on websites, or even in books you can find at your local library. As it says in the last tip use Google to find them. Also you might want to use Usenet to find some info about computers.
  3. Be knowledgeable in many fields. For example, you may never need or want to pick up a digital camera or be able to answer questions about it but it is worth your while to get an understanding of what a digital camera is because it increases your know-how. Everything you learn will come in handy at some point in your life.
  4. Become an expert technical savvy. Gear Ratio Calculators motor driven systems usually have optimal motor speeds at which the motor operates with the greatest power and efficiency. What is something technology-related that interests you and that you enjoy? Say it's blogging using Wordpress; research the topic and get to know how to use things first hand.
  5. Learn how to treat computer Viruses, Spyware, and And learn how to avoid Malware. Some great Anti-Virus/Spyware programs are Avast, Malwarebytes, Spybot, AVG, and Spyhunter. There are many Anti-Virus/Spyware programs out there, and some are free.
  6. Learn How to Program. Programming is one of the most important skills in technology, if no one could program there would be no world wide web or even Windows! We wouldn't even have video games, Mp3 players, or just about anything else electronic. (We would still have lights, of course.) Some programming languages are Python (Recommended for beginners), C, C++, C#, Java and PHP. You can learn some programming at websites all over the web. If you want to start programming, try HTML. There are some very nice tutorials at http://www.w3schools.com/
  7. Use a Unix or Linux The Unix family of operating systems are very common with some of the most tech savvy people in the world. This family of operating systems is free, in there price and you are free to view the source code used in them. In these families of operating systems there is also better programming tools and better technical tools than what you can find on windows. A easy distribution of Linux for people who are new to Linux is the Ubuntu Linux Distribution, It can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com
  8. Join an techsavvy online community of other tech gurus and don't be afraid to ask questions.
  9. Choose easy topics to learn about or start with something you already know about.
  10. Becoming tech savy won't happen overnight and you cannot stay savvy. The world is a changing place, keep on top of breakthroughs and new products!
  11. Read also about Text Box in Visual Basic Program.
READ MORE - Tech Savvy